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Asmodean's Keep


Home of Gay Science Fiction &
Fantasy Stories


The Keep holds the texts of daring travel through time and space, to worlds where there be dragons, realms where knights rule the land, and galaxies full of intrigue and conquest. 

The Keep is the guardian of amateur Fantasy and Sci Fi. If you find a story that belongs in it's confines, please make haste with a message! 


Stories by Dabeagle:

Through Time:
What happens when you cross the threshold of paralell worlds?
Repulse: The Carlinian Mission:
An adventure set in the Star Trek Universe.

Stories by Mark Peters:

Prisoner Of Carronne:
Mark Peters has
given us a vision of a different world full
of schemes and sleight of hand maneuvers.


Devon Keene contributes:

The Enigma Of Flatness:
Two young men, a Jump Ship and its cheeky avatar against the might of the Orion Empire. What could possibly go wrong?