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Repulse: The Carlinian Mission

By Dabeagle

For a long time I have wanted to write a Star Trek story. One thing that always holds me back is that many things seem cheap or uninspired next to the original which encouraged these ideas. Much Like JJ Abrams revision of Star Trek, I dind't want to make a pale or poor imitation of well known characters and simply put a gay spin on them. Wesley was very cute, but his character never expressed any desire towards other guys.

The solution to my problem was to set a story in the Star Trek universe without having it be a 'Star Trek' story. You will not join Kirk or Picard or any of the other well known characters or icons. Instead you shall become familiar with another ship, the USS Repulse.

One thing I have to state up front. This story was edited, unfortunately with my life the ongoing mess that it is, I'm not sure this was the edited copy. So all errors are mine if there are any. If there aren't...this is the edited copy, and my thanks to my friend and editor, he who shall not be named.

Feedback is always appreciated and may be directed to dabeagle at dabeagle dot com.

Repulse: The Carlinian Mission Repulse: The Carlinian Mission 2